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Nutrition & Wellness

School Menu
(Click to enlarge)

Nutrition & Wellness Resources:
To find where summer meals are available near you:


DIA Triennial Assessment


Wellness Policy

Click here to download a copy of our Wellness Policy


This policy outlines the School’s approach to ensuring environments and opportunities for all students to practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day. Our goal is to teach them healthy ways of eating that they may carry these same values home and use them through-out their everyday life.


  • Students will have access to healthy foods throughout the school day. 

  • We intend to implement healthy snacks into our afterschool snack program by offering fresh fruit and whole grain items that taste appetizing, while also being nutritious. ï‚·

  • Students will have opportunities to be physically active before, during and after school. One way to get students active in the classroom is by utilizing the “MOVE TO LEARN LETS MOVE’ video series. The series allows the children to get out of their seats and exercise to the videos; a great way to stay active and implement a brain break. ï‚·

  • We have also implemented our own version of “PLAY WORKS” to keep scholars active for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.

  • We believe that putting our focus on physical activity and a healthier nutrition program will help our children stay on a healthier path, thus reducing the risk of childhood obesity. ï‚·

  • We believe that the Wellness Policy will have a greater impact on the students and the community by getting the faculty and staff involved by encouraging them to encourage their students to make better eating choices and to be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day.


School Wellness Committee

Our wellness committee will meet a minimum of four times a year. The purpose of the meetings will be to establish goals and oversee school health and safety program and policies. The Wellness Policy will be updated once a year to add new goals and maintain the current goals and policies stated.


The committee will consist of the Nutrition Director, teachers, School Nurse, Dean of Students, School Registrar, Parent liaison, Physical Education instructor, and a few parents. Our goal is to get more people from the community involved like local pastors, restaurant owners, and local City government officials.





The Leadership team’s roles are to come up with innovative ways to introduce healthy eating lifestyles and promote physical activity to not only our school but to our community as well. Our ultimate goal is to work to put an end to childhood obesity because we realize that our students are our future and we want them to take the same things they’ve learned from us and pass it on to the next generation.



As the nutrition Director, I will encourage our vendor to continue to put healthier dishes on the menus. Our breakfast and lunch menus are approved by Nutrition Dept. at the State. Our menus meet all state health regulations and we are serving nutritious meals to our students on a daily basis.


We also support our local farmers by purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables from them for our After school snack program. We believe in getting everyone involved with the wellbeing of our students healthy eating. 



Water is available to all of our students every day from the time they enter the building until the time they leave the building. Water is also available during breakfast, lunch and during the snack program.


Competitive Foods and Beverages

DuBois Integrity Academy is committed to ensuring that all foods and beverages consumed during the school day and at all school functions is under the USDA regulation.


Celebration and Rewards

Parents, Faculty and staff are encouraged to send ‘Smart Snacks in school’ nutrition items for all holiday/Birthday celebrations for students. We want to continue to promote healthy eating choices no matter the occasion.



Posters are posted throughout the school advertising healthy eating habits. Food pyramid posters are also posted in the cafeteria. Pictures of fruit and vegetables are also posted and we believe that if students see frequent signage of healthy eating choices then they will be more likely to make better choices when they are on their own.


Physical Activity

Physical Activity plays a very important role in health and wellness. Our students get 45 minutes of physical education once a week. As we know that isn’t enough, we implemented the MOVE TO LEARN LETS MOVE initiative in the classroom which was previously mentioned. For 10 minutes a day the students get active in the classroom by moving to the video series. Our recess coach keeps our students active during their 20 minute recess block each day. This not only gives the student a brain break but gets them active, while making exercising fun. That’s an additional 50 minutes a week on top of the 45 minutes of physical education. This year we will be having our 1st field day so the students will get to enjoy a day full of physical activity.


Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness

Our students participates in the Riverdale Christmas parade, with a route that totals 1.5 miles. The parade is a great way to get the students and community involved in physical yet fun activity.


Civil Rights

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.


Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.



This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Parent & Community Involvement

DIA welcomes parents, community members and stakeholders to join us in our efforts to continually ensure the health and wellness of both our students and staff. Please email any comments, questions, concerns or suggestions to

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