Deadline is 4/12/24
Promotion Ceremony Photo Submission
Please submit your photos no later than Thursday, 4/11/24!
Time & Location
Deadline is 4/12/24
About the Event
To ensure a memorable celebration for our scholars' Promotion Ceremonies, we invite you to submit photos for a special Video Presentation that will be showcased during the ceremonies.
We are asking for One Current Photo of your scholar and One Baby Photo.
DIA will already have a copy of your scholar's Graduation Photo (if taken) from Lifetouch that will be used in addition to the current photo and baby photo that you submit for your scholar. We also ask that you DO NOT submit a photo collage.
The deadline to submit the photos is by the end of the day, Friday, April 12th. Photos submitted after this deadline are not guaranteed to be displayed! We must have time to prepare the video and submit it on time before the Ceremonies.